Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Got Paint?

Tonight our 4-H club (my mother-in-law and I are leaders together of a club), we painted at our county fairgrounds as our community service project.  Our club has painted at the fairgrounds in anticipation of the fair the last couple of years and it is a great way to give back to our community; plus, it is a lot of fun.

Well Big Sissy, Bubby, and Little Sissy aren't even in 4-H yet (Big Sissy will join next year), but that didn't keep them from joining in on the fun...

Linked to the following Wordless Wednesday parties:



  1. Thanks for linking up! Adorable pics and I love what rural folks do for their communities. 4-H is an organization that I love and all that it instill in children at a young age that will play off throughout their life.

  2. I love the way they painted their clothes that was probably the most fun Little Sissy. Can't beat that job sure needs to be done I am glad you were able to help

  3. You are very brave to let you kids paint!

  4. Our daughter always teamed up with a couple of other friends and the extension agent to paint the auction numbers on livestock for the 4-H premium auction. It always ended up with handprints on each other's t-shirts, too. Thanks for serving as a 4-H leader. It's SO important!


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