Friday, March 25, 2011

Farmer Fridays - The Cycle of Life

Welcome to a special quarterly Farmer Fridays featuring The Real Farmwives of America & Friends.  Today all of the Farmwives & Friends are blogging about the cycle/circle of life on their family farms.

Just like many of the stories being told by my fellow Farmwives & Friends, the circle of life on the family farm is full of laughs and tears.  It is very rewarding.  If it wasn't, we wouldn't do it; however, it can be very demanding and not always go as planned especially on a livestock farm.  The fact of the matter is  we are dealing with living creatures and we are not in control.
Every day on our family farm, our children are around new life as we have baby pigs being born almost every day which is an amazing thing to share with them. 

They then are able to watch these pigs grow and eventually become the pork on our family dinner table. 

This is a lesson The Farmer and I both learned at a very early age and I'm glad we did and are able to pass this on to our children.  The purpose of livestock is to produce meat. On our family farm, our number one goal is raise healthy pigs that become affordable and nutritious pork for our family and yours. 

That is their cycle of life. 

I will admit at times, especially during my 4-H career, this has caused many tears, but it is all part of life and living on a family farm and I wouldn' trade it for anything.



  1. I enjoyed reading all the RFOA stories. They were each a little bit different.

  2. Something we all have to remember. These animals are in our precious care, growing to provide us the food and nutrition we need. Thanks for the post!


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