Thursday, December 30, 2010

When life hands you lemons

I really try to think of myself as an optimistic, upbeat, glass half-full kind of person.  I remember once reading the quote, "Attitude is the reflection of the inner you."  I truly believe this and have always tried to make lemonade when life hands me lemons. 

Well professionally, life has been handing me a lot of lemons lately which results in a tad more lemonade than I would prefer.  (Don't worry, I still have a job, just a lot of changes and then more changes on top of that.) Any way, these "lemons" have made me more than ready to bring on 2011 as I hope they will quit heading my direction in the new year. 

Although the lemons have been plentiful professionally in the last few months, thankfully, I still have my faith, family, friends, and health which is truthfully all I need and for a bonus, my kitchen table is still clean. 


  1. Hey, If your kitchen table is clean, then you can start planning for 2011 on a clean slate! Hope there are some hidden opportunities in all the lemon "pulp."

    Hang in there and know we are all rooting for you!

    Happy New Year!
    p.s. I am just putting the finishing touches on my post for tomorrow. I'm going a tad bit picture crazy! UGH! What's a girl to do?


  2. Hang in there and if ya ever wanna chat with a fellow Greenfieldian ... gimme a ring!! :) :)

  3. Looking forward to an awesome 2011! A new year to bring lots of great new things.

  4. I hope next year is a little less crazy for you! Happy New Year!

  5. I'm hoping 2011 is a better year, too!! IN my book, 2010 stunk for the most part with a few bright spots. :)


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