Accoring to Merriam-Webster, the definition of neglect is as follows:
1. to give little attention or respect to : disregard
2. to leave undone or unattended to especially through carelessness
Well, I have neglected a lot lately starting with this blog. It is been well over a week (ok, almost 2 weeks) since I last blogged and I have been anything but consistent this Fall with my posts.
I have lots of posts written in my head, but finding the time to actually type them out has not happened. I thank those of you that have continued to follow along and have faith in me. It is because of you that I will try to keep going and get on a more regular schedule because when I'm not blogging I'm also not keeping up with my friends' blogs and that is not good either. For example, I have yet to join in on my good friend Leah's Hunk of Meat Mondays linky party. I mean what kind of friend am I ?
Besides not following my friends' blogs, I haven't done a real good job of keeping in touch with a lot of my friends lately by any means of communication and I really hate that. I would describe my status the last several months as treading water and I'm sure some of you can relate. I think I might finally see the light at the end of the tunnel as things at work should be changing around the 1st of the year which should help... I hope.
And since I haven't done a good job of blogging lately, I didn't get to tell you about the amazing cake our cousin made for Thanksgiving. Check this out...
Yes, every part of it is edible. She is absolutely amazing and just yesterday got a call from Food Network. Be sure to check out her blog, A Couple of Sweet Things.
So now that I've spilled my guts on just a few of things I've been neglecting, I'm proud to say that there are a few things I haven't neglected.
Thankfully, I've been able to plan out a work schedule that has kept me close to home most nights and that is huge for this pig pen.
We finally got the house decorated for Christmas after I had to battle our pre-lit tree.
When I first plugged it in, this is what it looked like.
Thankfully, after a few good shakes and one extra strands of lights I know have a tree that looks like this.
Unfortunately I took this picture during the day so you can't see all of the glowing lights. :-)
I've also been doing a pretty decent job on my Christmas shopping and am almost done thanks to my pre-Thanksgiving shopping, Black Friday shopping, Macy's, Amazon, and my sister-in-law's Etsy shop. Now I just have to get everything wrapped.
And most importantly, my kitchen table is clean with nothing piled on it.
So even though I've been neglectful, this full-time, working farm momma knows, it can always be worse.

I feel the same way, Heather! Have a great weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteI just bought a pre-lite tree last year and I really like it. glad to see you got yours working and all decorated. And I'm glad to learn about your cousin's blog as she has some really cute cakes.
ReplyDeleteIf it's any consolation I don't feel neglected by you one bit - I have missed the blog posts though!
ReplyDeleteWe all go through cycles like that. Hope to see you back more often!