Saturday, August 7, 2010

This pig pen has been hit by SPAM

This pig pen has been hit by SPAM and I am not a happy camper.  In the last 30 minutes, I have received over 20 SPAM comments on my blog.  Needless to say, I have readjusted my security settings and you will now have to enter in the security password to post comments on my blog.  I'm sorry for any inconvenience this creates, but I can NOT handle the SPAM. 

Thank you for reading this Public Service Announcement from the pig pen.  Good night everybody and don't forget about my Indiana State Fair ticket give-a-way!


  1. OK... I'm really not a happy camper now as I have changed my security setting, but it is not reflecting that change on my blog and I am still getting Spamed. Not fun at all.

  2. Heather I thought you had gone hog wild and was entering the SPAM food contest at the State Fair Sorry you got the spams nothing worse. I dislike them Go get them Girl!

  3. that really stinks! I would be annoyed as well. Hopefully your new settings kick in soon and your spam problems are solved!


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