My “pig pen” consists of my husband and our three children. We raise hogs, corn, and soybeans with my husband’s parents. Life at our “pig pen” is often crazy as we try to balance family life, farm life, and my full-time job. I don’t know how we do it, but we just do with lots of love and fun.

This time of year is particularly fun or challenging depending on how you look at it. It is prime planting season for corn and soybeans at our farm. My husband and father-in-law put in long hours and our time together as a family is often limited to taking them a meal to the fields or helping them move to a new field, of course the children always manage to get a tractor ride with Pop Pop or Daddy. Planning meals that can be easily prepared and consumed at any temperature can be difficult, but my mother-in-law and I enjoy it. We love being a farm family.
I just love checking out all of your posts. :)