Welcome to another The Real Farmwives of America & Friends Farmer Fridays feature.

In this quarterly edition, The Real Farmwives & Friends will share their stories of spending the holidays on the family farm.
On our family farm, our Christmas is just like yours in many ways I'm sure ... we decorate the house, we shop and wrap presents, and we bake among other things.
Big Sissy loves to make Puppy Chow/Muddy Buddies or as she calls it, Reindeer Chow, for Santa's reindeer.
This year, she also made my Great-Grandma's Peanut Butter Balls with and without coconut.
(The yummy recipe will follow in a future post.)
Little Sissy even joined in on the fun.
Where our Christmas and essentially every holiday is different than yours is there is always work to be done even on the holidays on our family farm. As pig farmers, our pigs need fed and watered twice a day among another things. Our pigs don't understand when it is a holiday and we don't expect them to. Taking care of our pigs is our top priority on our family farm so even on a day like Christmas they come first.
This year we celebrated Christmas with The Farmer's family on Christmas Eve starting at 11am. Besides his normal pig chores, The Farmer had pigs to move to another barn on Christmas Eve Day so his day started very early and was very busy before our family celebration started. Although I'm sure that isn't how your Christmas Eve started, we wouldn't trade it for anything because being a part of a family farm is one of the greatest things ever.
Besides if we didn't live on the family farm, we wouldn't be able to go sledding like this on Christmas Eve.
So from our family farm to your family, we hope you had a wonderful, blessed Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!!
Big Sissy, Bubby, and Little Sissy on Christmas morning