
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Tradition #7 from the pigpen

It's here.... well almost.  It is hard to believe that it is Christmas Eve.  I've said it numerous times already, but I absolutely love this time of year and our family has built many traditions over the years that make the Christmas season very special for us.  Today I will share tradition #7 and although I have more to share, they will have to wait until another year as I think it is appropriate to end with tradition #7 this year as it just might be my favorite.

When we decorate our house for Christmas soon after Thanksgiving, we love to set up our nativity as I'm sure many of you do.  The nativity itself is not the tradition, the tradition is when Baby Jesus and the 3 kings arrive.

Baby Jesus does not arrive in our manger scene  until Christmas Eve when we gather around as a family before going to bed to read the Christmas story from the bible.  So since Thanksgiving weekend, we have been patiently waiting for tonight when we can celebrate the birth of Jesus and the real reason for the season.

Our 3 kings have also been waiting patiently since Thanksgiving weekend.  You see they are making their journey to visit Baby Jesus on the Epiphany, January 6th.  January 6th is my mom's birthday so growing up we always made a big deal of the 3 kings arrival on the 6th.  So until they arrive on Epiphany, our 3 kings are "traveling" to our manger.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!!!


  1. What a great tradition. Merry Christmas to you all!

  2. Happy and merry Christmas..And Advance happy new year to the bloggers..Happy holidays to all..

  3. Very neat. I think this will be a tradition that your children will carry on for years to come with their own children! Hope you had a wonderful day.

  4. Greetings from Southern California

    I am Your Newest Follower

    Have a Nice Day :-)
