
Friday, August 19, 2011

Farmer Fridays - A Guest Post from Indiana's own This Farm Family's Life


Where has the time gone.  It seems hard to believe that Big Sissy and Bubby started school this week and it is almost September.  It feels like we just finished planting season and even though it was a long and delayed planting season, I think harvest is not too far off since it has been such a hot and dry summer.  Time will tell as to if this year yields a plentiful harvest or not so until then we will continue to say our prayers and keep our fingers crossed.

In the meantime, I'm very excited to introduce you to one of the newest members of The Real Farmwives of America and Friends, Sarah from This Farm Family's Life.  This week she graciously agreed to do a guest post for Farmer Fridays.  

Hello 3 kids and lots of pigs readers.  Heather asked me to do a guest post and I am honored to do so.

My name is Sarah and I was born and raised in a small town in southeastern Indiana where my husband, Brad and I still reside.  I blog over at This Farm Family’s Life.  I grew up on a dairy farm where we milked around 150-180 Holstein cows.  We also had several hogs.  My dad had a farrow to feeder hog operation.  Once they reached 60 pounds he would sell them.  One of my favorite things to do on the farm was helping my dad wean pigs.

Brad and I have been married for 7 years.  We live in the house that his grandparents built which is just 5 miles from where I grew up.  Brad and his dad are partners in our farming operation.  We raise corn and soybeans.  We also have 200 head of cattle that we feed out.  We have two daughters, B and Mel.

We debated whether to take a family vacation this summer, but decided against it.  The wet spring we experienced this year resulted in a late planting season which delayed the start of our summer activities.  Instead, we decided to plan a “staycation”.

Every year we attend our town’s annual Pioneer Engineer’s Club Steam and Tractor show.  This was the 63rd year for the event and the place of our staycation.

The event is conveniently located about 2 miles from our house.  Our good friends have a campsite there so we load up our RTV with all the fixings to accompany a fantastic meal.  Then we drive over and enjoy all the food, fun, and fellowship.

There are people of all different ages….

Demonstrations include: Threshing….

Threshing separates the grain from the stalk.  Today we use combines to achieve this task.

Chopping silage which grinds up the entire stalk of corn and makes feed for cattle…


And leveling dirt with a grader blade…

B got to participate in the Tug-of-War…

And Coins In the Straw…

They have a working saw mill…

The girls loved seeing all the different tractors.

When the sun went down the crowd was entertained by the sparks show…

We didn’t stay overnight.  We enjoyed our time with friends and all the good food, but were able to come home in the evening and sleep in our own beds. Then we would get up the next day and do it all over again!

Sounds like a great staycation, Sarah, and thanks for sharing.  Be sure to keep up with all the happenings in Sarah's life over at This Farm Family's Life and with all of the Real Farmwives and Friends on Facebook.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Welcome to the Family! But very hip on the "Staycation" I am from Jay County/Portland Indiana we also are home to one of the biggest Tracor/Engine Shows in the midwest. So big infact they give the kids the day off on the Friday of the show which is next Friday and we as kid loved going out the fair grounds and doing alot of the activities you did! Good luck on the blog and you have a great weekend as well

  2. Sure I've met Sarah! So exciting to see her here at RFoA! Great job Sarah. :)

  3. We went to that show and actually ran in to Sarah and family!! Welcome to the club girl!!
