
Friday, September 24, 2010

Farmer Fridays - The Real Farmwives of America - How did I get here?


Welcome to a very special edition of Farmer Fridays.  As I mentioned last week, once a quarter, the last Friday of each quarter, I am going to do a special feature within Farmer Fridays.  Some of my farmer/farmwife buddies and I, The Real Farmwives of America, will address a particular question once a quarter about our lives on the family farm.  I hope you will enjoy this addition to Farmer Fridays. 


So this quarter's questions is How Did I Get Here?

Well,  The Farmer is the 4th generation of his family to farm in our county and we are proud to be raising the 5th generation of future corn, soybean, and pig farmers.  But how did I get here you may ask?  Well here's my story.

My parents both grew up on family farms.  In fact, my mom grew up on a pig farm and my parents met while showing pigs at the county fair so my love of pigs and tractor driving days started early.

Although I didn't grow up on a farm, I showed livestock, sheep, rabbits, pigs, and cattle, during my 10 years of 4-H and always lived in the country.  I loved this life and it inspired me to major in Animal Sciences in college.  During my time at Purdue University, I was very involved with the Animal Sciences department and spent a year on the livestock judging team.  Luckily during my time at Purdue, I was also introduced to The Farmer by his cousin and after 10 years of marriage the rest is history.  I am a proud farmer and farmwife so welcome to The Real Farmwives of America.  I hope you enjoy reading how my fellow farmwives ended up where they are. 

Amy & Liz at 2 Maids A Milking

Amy at A Latte with Ott, A.

Marybeth at Alarm Clock Wars

Leah at Beyer Beware

Jane at Going Jane

Jennifer at Farmgirl Follies

Jeanette at Fence Row to Fence Row

Lauren at Four Ransoms and a Farm

Cris at GOODEness Gracious

Meggie at Hoosier Farm Babe

Jent at My Front Porch

Katie at On the Banks of Squaw Creek

Whitney at Life is a Highway and Mine’s Surrounded By Corn

Lana at Walking the Off-Beaten Path

Denise at Who is the Grown Up
If you have a question you would like for address in this special quarterly feature or would like to join The Real Farmwives of America, please email me at proudporkmom (@) gmail (dot) com



  1. Sweet picture! This is a great idea!

  2. It's a great life to love! Thanks for hosting this series - I've really enjoyed reading everybody's stories!

  3. I don't have any experience showing livestock, but hubby did. I can't wait until Adam is old enough to do it!

    So did your husband always know he would be a farmer?

  4. Thanks for hosting the series! I think it will become very popular!

  5. I'm really enjoying your fun blog and great pics! I featured you on my blog. Hope you don't mind that I used one of your pics w/the link... I'm looking forward to following you and learning more about farm life in Indiana!
    Hope your fall's off to a beautiful start!

  6. I absolutely LOVE this series. Love it. Thanks.
    Katie, ND Farm Girl

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting us to participate! :)
