
Friday, May 28, 2010

Farmer Fridays from the pig pen

I love being a farmer and although I work full-time off of the farm, my heart is always with the farm and my family.  You see that is one of the best parts of our farm... it is a family farm like the majority of farms in this country. 

(Three generations working on the planter.)

Any way, I have decided to start a new series for my blog, Farmer Fridays.  Each Friday, I will put on my farmer hat and talk specifically about life on the farm from how we raise our pigs, how our corn is growing, etc...  I will also answer any questions you have for me.  You can send questions to me at  Occasionally, I also plan to do a special "pork to fork" feature within the Farmer Fridays series that will feature a family favorite pork recipe.

I hope you will enjoy this new series as much as I love talking about the farm. 

So tune in next Friday for our first Farmer Friday from the pig pen.


  1. Love it. Have you thought about making a badge for your weekly feature???

  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ott, A and I'm working on a badge.

  3. I think a badge, and maybe even a linky! (Although, I've been thinking about doing a linky on Turkey Tuesdays...what do you think?)

    I was talking to a co-worker yesterday (another farm wife) about how the farm stays with you wherever you are. It's kind of like being a mom - even when you are at work, you are first a foremost a mom, and then a farmer. :)

  4. Hey great idea! I am thinking about doing "Farm Equipment Fridays" - sort of here's what this big thing is and this is what it does. Maybe we can try to coordinate a bit?

  5. Sounds like a great idea!! :)

  6. Thanks for all of the support on this. The first Farmer Friday should be ready to go this week complete with a badge courtesy of that great gal, Cris over at GOODEness Gracious.

  7. This is an awesome idea. We need more farmers being agvocates for agriculture.
